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Your Students
Your University
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Your Students
Your University
Who are we?
Contact Us
Your University
Transform your university using data and Artificial Intelligence
We enable every school or university to gain unprecedented insight into its students and their integration within the job market.
Let's talk about it!
LINA provides you with unmatched quality information on your student.
LINA provides you with unparalleled analytical data on the job market.
With LINA, your faculty can adapt in real-time your programs to the expectations of the job market.
LINA gives your teams the opportunity to provide personalized support for each of your students.
They trust us
Analysis tools developed in collaboration with schools and universities
Clear, simple dashboards designed for you:
Student tracking tools for your academic teams
> Know your students
> Monitor their professional integration
Analytical tools to help you manage your business
> Understand the job market needs
> Tracking the professional integration of your graduates
Introduction video
What they think about LINA
"Thanks to LINA, we were able to enhance the individual support of our students as part of our Pathfinder program".
BSB Burgundy Pathfinder Project Director
"The platform developed by Noèse helps us meet our challenge of providing personalized support to each of our students".
Chief Digital Officer
Contact us
to find out how we can help you support your students or transform your university through data and Artificial Intelligence.
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